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Six-point charges are kept at the vertices of a regular hexagon of side L  and centre O as shown in the figure.  Given that K = $\frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_{0}} \frac{q}{L^{2}}$, which of the following statements(s) is(are) correct.



A) The electric field at 0 is 6K along OD

B) The potential at O is zero

C) The potential at all points on the line PR is same

D) The potential ar all points on the line ST is same


The $\beta$ -decay process, discovered around 1900, is basically the decay of a neutron (n). In the laboratory, a proton (p) and an electron ($e^{-}$) are observed as the decay products of the neutron. Therefore. considering the decay of a neutron as a two-body decay process, it was predicted theoretically that the kinetic energy of the electron should be a constant. But experimentally, it was observed that the electron kinetic energy has a continuous spectrum. Considering a three-body decay process, i,e., $n \rightarrow p+e^{-}+v_{e'}^{-}$, around
1930, Pauli explained the observed electron energy spectrum. Assuming the anti-neutrino ($\overline{v_{e}}$) to be massless and possessing negligible energy., and the neutron to be at rest, momentum and energy conservation principles are applied. From this calculation, the maximum kinetic energy of the electron is
0.8 x 106 eV. The kinetic energy carried by the proton is only the recoil energy.

What is the maximum energy of the anti-neutrino?

A) Zero

B) Much less than $0.8 \times 10^{6}eV$

C) nearly $0.8 \times 10^{6}eV$

D) much larger than $0.8 \times 10^{6}eV$


The $\beta$ -decay process, discovered around 1900, is basically the decay of a neutron (n). In the laboratory, a proton (p)
and an electron ($e^{-}$) are observed as the decay products of the neutron. Therefore. considering the decay of a neutron as a
two-body decay process, it was predicted theoretically that the kinetic energy of the
electron should be a constant. But experimentally, it was observed that the electron kinetic energy has a continuous
spectrum. Considering a three-body decay process, i,e., $n \rightarrow p+e^{-}+v_{e'}^{-}$, around
1930, Pauli explained the observed electron energy spectrum. Assuming the anti-neutrino ($\overline{v_{e}}$) to be massless and possessing negligible energy., and the neutron to be at rest, momentum and energy conservation principles are applied. From this calculation, the maximum kinetic energy of the electron is
0.8 x 106 eV. The kinetic energy carried by the proton is only the recoil energy.

If the anti-neutrino had a mass of $3eV/c^{2}$ (where c is the speed of light) instead of zero mass, what should 'be the range of the kinetic energy K, of the electron?

A) $0 \leq K v 0.8 \times 10^{6}$eV

B) $3.0 eV \leq K \leq 0.8 \times 10^{6} $eV

C) $3.0 eV \leq K \leq 0.8 \times 10^{6}eV$

D) $0 \leq K < 0.8 \times 10^{6}$ eV


The general motion of a rigid body can be considered to be a combination of (i) a motion of its centre of mass about an axis, and (ii) its motion about an instantaneous axis passing through the centre of mass. These axes need not be stationary. Consider, for example, a thin uniform disc welded (rigidly fixed) horizontally at its rim to a massless stick, as shown in the figure. When the disc-stick system is rotated about the origin on a horizontal frictionless plane with angular speed ω, the motion at any instant can be taken as a combination of (i) a rotation of the centre of mass of the disc about the z-axis, and (ii) a rotation of the disc through an instantaneous .vertlcal axis passing through its centre of mass (as is seen from the changed orientation of poinis P and Q). Both these motions have the same angular speed $\omega$ in this case.



Now consider two similar systems as shown in the figure: Case (a) the disc with its face vertical and parallel to x-z plane; Case (b) the disc with its face making an angle of $45^{0}$ with x-y plane and its horizontal diameter parallel to x-axis. In both cases, the disc is welded at point P, and the systems are rotated with constant angular speed to about the z-axis.


Which of the following statemenrs about the instantaneous axis (passing
through the centre of mass) is correct?

A) It is vertical for both the cases (a) and (b)

B) It is vertical for case (a); and is at $45^{0}$to the x-z plane and lies in the plane of he disc for case (b)

C) It is horizontal for case (a); and is at $45^{0}$ to the x-z plane and is normal to the plane of the disc for case (b)

D) It is vertical for case (a); and is at $45^{0}$ to the x-z plane and is normal to the


The general motion of a rigid body can be considered to be a combination of (i) a motion of its centre of mass about an axis, and (ii) its motion about an instantaneous axis passing through the centre of mass. These axes need not be stationary. Consider, for example, a thin uniform disc welded (rigidly fixed) horizontally at its rim to a massless stick, as shown in the figure. When the disc-stick system is rotated about the origin on a horizontal frictionless plane with angular speed ω, the motion at any instant can be taken as a combination of (i) a rotation of the centre of mass of the disc about the z-axis, and (ii) a rotation of the disc through an instantaneous .vertlcal axis passing through its centre of mass (as is seen from the changed orientation of points P and Q). Both these motions have the same angular speed $\omega$ in this case.



Now consider two similar systems as shown in the figure: Case (a) the disc with its face vertical and parallel to x-z plane; Case (b) the disc with its face making an angle of $45^{0}$ with the x-y plane and its horizontal diameter parallel to the x-axis. In both cases, the disc is welded at point P, and the systems are rotated with constant angular speed to about the z-axis.


Which of the following statements regarding the angular speed about the instantaneous axis (passing through the centre of mass) is correct?

A) It is $\sqrt{2} \omega$ for both cases

B) It is $\omega$ for case (a); and $\frac{\omega}{\sqrt{2}}$ for case (b)

C) It is $\omega$ for case (a); and $\sqrt{2}\omega$ for case (b)

D) It is $\omega$ for both the cases
