Direction to solve:

(i) A year has 365 days.

(ii) Years, divisible by 4, are leap years, e.g., 1986. They have 366 days.

(iii) February in a leap year has 29 days.

(iv) The last day of a year is the same as the first day. Thus, if the first day of a year is Friday, then the last day of the year is Friday and the first day of the next year is Saturday. However, if the first day of a leap year is Friday, then the last day of the year is Saturday and the first day of the next year is Sunday


If 1st October is Sunday, then 1st November will be

A) Monday

B) Tuesday

C) Wednesday

D) Thursday


If every second Saturday and all Sundays are holidays in a 30 days month beginning on Saturday, then how many working days are there in that month?

A) 20

B) 21

C) 22

D) 23


If Tuesday falls on the fourth of the month, then which day will fall three days after the 24th?

A) Monday

B) Tuesday

C) Thursday

D) Friday


If day after tomorrow is Saturday what day was three days before yesterday?

A) Sunday

B) Monday

C) Thursday

D) Saturday


(I) His younger brother Navin is available at home on Monday, Thursday, Friday and  Sunday between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

(II) The eldest brother Rajiv is available between 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

 At a time, on which day of a week all the three brothers are available at home?


A) None

B) Sunday

C) Thursday

D) Cannot be determined

E) None of these
