Binary logic,Clock And Calenders - Binary logicBinary logic,Clock And Calenders - ClockBinary logic,Clock And Calenders - Calenders
6.If you were born on 14th april,1992 , whihc was a Sunday, then on which day of the week does your birthday fall in 1993? A) Monday B) Tuesday C) Wednesday D) Cannot be determined View Answer Report DiscussAnswer: Option AExplanation:14th April 1992 to 14th April 1993 is a complete year which has 365 days .Hence, the number of odd days from 14th April 1992 to 14 April 1993 is 1. Hence 14th April 1993 is one day after Sunday ie, monday
Binary logic,Clock And Calenders - Binary logicBinary logic,Clock And Calenders - ClockBinary logic,Clock And Calenders - Calenders