
The initial rate of hydrolysis of methyl acetate (1M)  by a weak acid (HA,1M) is 1/100 th of that  of a strong acid  (HX,1M), at 25° C. the K (HA) is 

A) $1\times 10^{-4}$

B) $1\times 10^{-5}$

C) $1\times 10^{-6}$

D) $1\times 10^{-3}$


Option B,D


plan    $RCOOR'+H_{2}0 $    $\underrightarrow{H^{+}}$         $  RCOOH+R'OH$

 Acid hydrolysis  of ester is follows first order kinetics

 For same concentration of ester in each case rate in dependent on [H+]  from acid

 Rate = k[RCOOR']

 Also for weak acid HA   $  \rightleftharpoons H^{+}+A^{-}$


     [Rate]HA =k[H+]HA

  [Rate]HX= k[H+]HX

 (Rate)HX  =100(Rate)HA

$\therefore$ Also in strong acid [H+]=[HX]=1M



 $\therefore$      $[H^{+}]_{HA}=\frac{1}{100}$

          $HA\rightleftarrows H^{+}+A^{-}$

           1           0     0

     (1-x)         x        x

    x= 0.01

$\therefore$            $k_{a}=\frac{[H^{+}][A^{-}]}{[HA]}$

   $=\frac{0.01\times 0.01}{0.99}

          $=1.01\times 10^{-4}$