In this type of questions, a message comprising of randomised letters/words or numbers or a combination of both is given as the input followed by steps of rearrangement to give sequential outputs. The candidate is required to trace out the pattern in the given rearrangement and then determine the desired output step, according to as is asked in the questions.


A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangements.

Input  48 245 182 26 99 542 378 297
Step I 542 48 245 182 26 99 378 297
Step II 542 26 48 245 182 99 378 297
Step III 542 26 378 48 245 182 99 297
Step IV 542 26 378 48 297 245 182 99
Step V 542 26 378 48 297 99 245 182

 If the first step of an input is'785 198 32 426 373 96 49', then which of the following steps will be '785 32 426 49 198 373 96,?


A) Second

B) Third

C) Fourth

D) Fifth

E) None of these


Option C


The numbers are rearranged stepwise in the order- highest, lowest, second highest, second-lowest,..... and so on.

However, the position of only one number is altered at each step. The process continues till the whole set- of numbers is arranged in the above order.

Step I 785 198 32 426 373 96 49
Step II 785 32 198 426 373 96 49
Step III 785 32 426 198 373 96 49
Step IV 785 32 426 49 198 373 96