In this type of questions, a message comprising of randomised letters/words or numbers or a combination of both is given as the input followed by steps of rearrangement to give sequential outputs. The candidate is required to trace out the pattern in the given rearrangement and then determine the desired output step, according to as is asked in the questions.


Given an input, a coding machine generates passcodes for six batch every day as follows:

Input  : you should know about the type of questions

Pass codes :

Batch I : you questions should of know type about

Batch II : about you type questions know should of

Batch III : about of you should type know questions And so on till the sixth batch. The first batch begins work at 10.00 a.m. Each batch works for one hour. There is a rest period of one hour after the fourth batch's work is over. Now, answer the following questions :

What will be the input on a day on which passcode for the immediate pre-rest hour batch is 'answer-sheet information your the on fill up' ?

A) Information your up answer-sheet on fill the

B) fill up your information on the answer-sheet

C) information up on the fill answer-sheet your

D) fill answer-sheet up the your on informati

E) None of these


Option B


Here, the words have been rearranged following two patterns alternately:

Pattern 1: The words of the previous step are arranged in the order - first, last second, second last, third, third last and so on.

Pattern 2: The words of the previous step are arranged in the order - last, first, Second last, second; third last, third and so on.

In such questions, where the terms change places according to a set pattern/order, we prepare a rearrangement draft as shown below:

Input A B C D E F G
Pass code              
Batch I(10 am to 11 am) A G B F C E D
Batch II(11 am to 12 pm) D A E G C B F
Batch III(12 pm to 1 pm) D F A B E C G
Batch IV(1 pm to 2 pm) G D C F E A B
Rest hour(2 pm to 3 pm)              
Batch V(3 pm to 4 pm) G B D A C E F
Batch VI(4 pm to 5 pm) F G E B C D A


The immediate pre-rest hour batch is Batch IV

Batch IV answer-sheet information your the on fill up
  G D C F E A B
Input A B C D E F G
  fill up your information on the  answer-sheet