In each of the following questions, two words indicated by I and. II have been left out. The correct word to come in place of I is given as one of the four alternatives [(1), (2), (3) and (4)l against I and the correct word to come in place of II is given as one of the four alternatives [(A), (B), (C) ond (D)] against II. Read with the correct words, there is some missing relationship-between the two words to the left to sign (: :) and the same relationship obtains between the two words to the right of the sign (: :). The correct combination is given as one of the four alternatives (a), (b), (c) and (d). Find the correct combination in each case. (This direction is for questions 3 to 9)


Directions ; Each of the following sentences has the first word and the last word left out. Choose the pair from among the five pairs of words that will fill the blanks. So that the sentence becomes true and sensible. Only one pair is correct.

................. is to Land as Navy is to ...............

A) Ship - Infantry

B) Army - Sea

C) Ground - Sea

D) Marine -Air

E) Arrive - Depart


Option B


First is the defence force operating over the second.

Hence the answer is (b).