In each of the following questions, two words indicated by I and. II have been left out. The correct word to come in place of I is given as one of the four alternatives [(1), (2), (3) and (4)l against I and the correct word to come in place of II is given as one of the four alternatives [(A), (B), (C) ond (D)] against II. Read with the correct words, there is some missing relationship-between the two words to the left to sign (: :) and the same relationship obtains between the two words to the right of the sign (: :). The correct combination is given as one of the four alternatives (a), (b), (c) and (d). Find the correct combination in each case. (This direction is for questions 3 to 9)


I: Pacifist :: Religion : II

I.  (1) War       (2) Atlantis  (3) Object  (4) Conscience

II. (A) Devout  (B) Sacred  (C) Athiest   (D) Minister

A) 1C

B) 4A

C) 4B

D) 4C


Option A


Second is the name given to the one who condemns the first.

Hence the answer is (a).