
In,the question below a sentence is given, a part of which is printed in bold and underline. This part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is followed by phrases a, b, c and d. Find out which phrase should replace the phrase given in bold/underline to correct the error, if there is any to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct.

There are any number of skilled writers who can develop content and create marketing materials with a keen eve to using proven methods. but also to developing new and innovative techniques

A) with a keen eye to using proven methods, but also to developing new and innovative techniques.

B) with a keen eye for using proven methods, and also to developing new and innovative techniques.

C) with a keen eye not only to using proven methods, but also to developing new and innovative techniques.

D) with a keen eye to using proven methods, but to developing new and innovative techniques.


Option C