
A galvanometer with a scale  divided into 100 equal  divisions has a current sensitvity  of 10 divisions per milliampere   and a voltage  sensitivity  of 2 divisions per millivolt. The galvanometer resistance will be 

A) $4 \Omega$

B) $5 \Omega$

C) $6 \Omega$

D) $7 \Omega$


Option B


 Given : current  sensitvity =10 div/mA and there are 100 division on the scale .

 $\therefore$ Current required for full scale deflection

 $I_{g}=\frac{1}{10}\times 100 mA=10 mA=0.01 A$

Also voltage sensitivity =2 div/mV

$\therefore$   Voltage required for  full deflection 

  $V{g}=\frac{1}{2}\times 100 mV=0.05 V$

 Galvanometer resistance is given by
