
Sa, Re and Ga participated in a race and each won d different medal among Gold,Silverand Bronze, not necessarily in that order.One among them always speaks truth, one always lies and one alternates among truth and lie in any order.When they were asked about the medals won by them ,the following were their replies.

Sa: I won the Gold medal.

       Re won the Bronze medal.

Re:I won the gold medal.

     Ga won the Bronze medal.

Ga:I won the Bronze medal.

     Sa won the gold medal.

Who among them won the Bronze medal?

A) Sa

B) Re

C) Ga

D) Cannot be determined


Option D


1.Assuming Sa always speaks truth.

$Sa\rightarrow Gold$, $Re\rightarrow Bronzee$, $Ga\rightarrow Silver$

Name Statement i Statement II Medal
Sa T T Gold
Re F F Bronze
Ga F T Silver

2.Assuming Re always speaks truth:

Name Statement i Statement ii Medal
Sa F F Silver
Re T T Gold
Ga T F Bronze

Assuming Ga always speaks truth, the first statement of Sa and second statement of Re become true which violates the conditions.

From 1. Re won the Bronze medal.

From2.Ga won the Bronze medal.

So, it cannot be determined