
A monkey climbing up greased pole ascends 5m and slips down 2 m in alternate minutes. If the pole is 35 m high, then the monkey will reach the top in

A) 22 min

B) 22 min 24 sec

C) 11 min 36 sec

D) 11 min 20 sec

E) 11 min


Option B


After 2 min ,the net ascend of the monkey $=5-2$ = 3 m

To cover 35 m the climbingand slipping process is repeated 11 times .

The monkey will climb 33 m in 22 min.

Now remaining distance  =  2 m

Time taken  $=\frac{2}{5}$ min

$=\frac{2}{5}\times 60$ = 24  sec

Time taken  =  22  min. 24 seconds