
Anand took some money for borrowed, for 3 years the total will be Rs. 5000 and 5 years it will be Rs. 6000/-. Then how much amount he borrowed ?

A) Rs. 3500

B) Rs. 4000

C) Rs. 3000

D) Rs. 2500

E) Rs. 4500


Option A


$3$ years --------> Rs. $5000$

$5$ years --------> Rs. $6000$

~                    ~


$2$ years ---------> Rs. $1000$

$1$ year  ----------> Rs. $500$

$3$ years $\times$ Rs. $500$ = Rs. $1500$

$P$ = Rs. $5000$ - Rs. $1500$ = Rs. $3500$

$P$ = Rs.3500/-