
The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 65 minutes of the correct time. How much the clock gain or lose in a day?

A) 10(53/41) min

B) 10(10/43) min

C) 10(54/42) min

D) 10(12/46) min

E) 10(6/11) min


Option B


In a correct clock, the minute hand gains 55 min. spaces over
the hour hand in 60 min.
55 min. are gained in 60 min.

60 min. are gained in (60/55) X 60=65(5/11) min

But, they are together after 65 min.

There fore, Gain in 65 min=(65(5/11)-65) =5/11.

Gain in 24 hours = (5/11) X ((60 X 24)/65)=10(10/43) min.

There fore, The clock gains 10(10/43) min. in a day.